Registration for the race on the databar events website. The online registration closes at 5pm Friday Sept. 23. Late Registration can be done in person at packet pick-up on Saturday. There will be NO RACE DAY REGISTRATION.
The entry fee is $70 for the marathon and $50 for the half marathon. Prices go up $10 after 5 pm on September 1 2011. With payment of the entry fee the runners will get a pre-race pasta dinner, transportation to the starting line from downtown Winthrop, a finisher's medal, a post race meal/party and a chance for drawing prizes.
A commerative, high quality, long-sleeve, Patagonia tech(Capilene1) shirt can be purchased for an additional $25. (These shirts tend to be smaller than average but in my opinion the average shirt is over-sized so plan accordingly). You must place your order by September 1st to get a shirt and there will not be extras for sale at or after the race.
At least $5 from each entry fee will again be donated to Room One. Last year we donated $10 per runner and we hope to be able to do that again this year!
The entry fee is $70 for the marathon and $50 for the half marathon. Prices go up $10 after 5 pm on September 1 2011. With payment of the entry fee the runners will get a pre-race pasta dinner, transportation to the starting line from downtown Winthrop, a finisher's medal, a post race meal/party and a chance for drawing prizes.
A commerative, high quality, long-sleeve, Patagonia tech(Capilene1) shirt can be purchased for an additional $25. (These shirts tend to be smaller than average but in my opinion the average shirt is over-sized so plan accordingly). You must place your order by September 1st to get a shirt and there will not be extras for sale at or after the race.
At least $5 from each entry fee will again be donated to Room One. Last year we donated $10 per runner and we hope to be able to do that again this year!